Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fashion Forward or Fashion Fail: Chris Brown Edition

*Loud applause* CONGRATS to Chris Brown for being the first ever male to make it into our "Fashion forward or fashion fail" posts! Yaaaaay. Well ya'll, I am actually leaning towards forward on this one. There's something about this outfit that I am liking and something that makes me slightly uncomfortable. Hmmm...


  1. Looks like he's trying to hard....to be Kanye West that is

  2. Looks Cute. I can dig it, I'm liking Chris growing into grown and sexy look. Suits him better than those childish looks.

  3. The look is a bit off for me I would keep the pants and the boots, but i would change the t-shirt and have him wear a white button up have half the shirt tucked in and the other half out and instead of that ridiculous garbage bag looking winter jacket i would have him wear a peacoat and a pair of ray ban wafers with a black techno-marine watch :). . .i think i shud b a stylist
