Did ya'll watch the second season of "I Want to Work For Diddy"? Neither did I. LoL. Either way, the winner of the show, a young lady named Ebony Jones (pictured below), is speaking out against Diddy. She claims that since the show wrapped she had not worked for Diddy at all. Doesn't it say somewhere in their contract the date they'll be hired if they win or something? SMH!
Interviewer: Have you been working for Diddy? Ebony: No.
Interviewer: I talked to Mike and Suzanne at this point last season and they hadn’t started yet either. Are you worried? Ebony: Yeah! I’m unemployed! I lost my job. I taught algebra and coached basketball and football. They said a teacher is a public servant, and the thing that got me was the profanity. That was a violation against our code of conduct, per our teacher handbook. I didn’t find this out until they fired me, but they did so Friday, October 30, which was a few days before the show came on. They said it was bad PR for the school. So I’ve been unemployed ever since, and they also denied my unemployment. This is the most broke I’ve ever been in my life.
Interviewer: That's terrible. Ebony: It’s been tough.
Interviewer: Has anything good come from the show at this point? Ebony: Now I’m not afraid to step out and do what I love. I don’t regret it. No matter how broke I get, I don’t regret it. Nothing huge besides that. People want to pay you a couple hundred dollars to show up at a club. I haven’t gotten a team together yet. I’m hoping to have a job at Bad Boy.
Interviewer: How did they leave it? Ebony: "Don’t contact us, you'll be contacted."